Unveiling the Greek Real Estate Seller: Attitude, Habits, Style, and Perception

Greek Real Estate Seller

Unveiling the Greek Real Estate Seller: Attitude, Habits, Style, and Perception

Greece, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and charming architecture, has long been a desirable location for real estate investors. Whether seeking a sun-drenched coastal retreat, a historical property, a vacation home  or a bustling urban apartment, foreign buyers often find themselves engaging with Greek sellers in the real estate market. Understanding the attitudes, habits, styles, and perceptions of Greek sellers can provide valuable insights for those navigating the Greek real estate landscape.

Attitude and Habits

If you are dealing directly with a Greek seller you will be charmed and you will notice that they are characterized by their warmth, hospitality, and passion for their properties. They take great pride in showcasing the unique features and historical significance of their homes, often inviting potential buyers for traditional Greek coffee or a glass of wine to create a personal connection. This personal touch reflects the Greek culture, where relationships and trust hold significant value.

Greek sellers also have a strong attachment to their properties, especially if they have been in their families for generations. This emotional connection can influence their negotiation style and decision-making process, as they may prioritize finding buyers who appreciate the historical or cultural significance of the property which many times lead to over evaluating it. 

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Style and Mistakes

Greek sellers often adopt a relaxed and informal style when presenting their properties, reflecting the laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle. They may emphasize the lifestyle and experiences that the property can offer, rather than focusing solely on its physical attributes. However, this informal approach can sometimes lead to a lack of attention to important details, such as property documentation or legal matters, which can result in misunderstandings or delays in the transaction process. Even though over the past few years Sellers are required to submit all legal documentation prior to listing their property for sale they are still reluctant to do so. 

One common mistake that Greek sellers may make is overestimating the value of their properties, especially when they have sentimental attachments. This can lead to unrealistic pricing, making it challenging for them to attract potential buyers, particularly those who are well-informed about market trends and property values. It is wise to listen and follow the advise of their real estate agent.

Perception of Foreign Buyers

Greek sellers often perceive foreign buyers as being willing to pay higher prices for real estate due to the assumption that they have greater financial resources. This perception can influence their initial pricing strategies and negotiation tactics, as they may set higher listing prices for foreign buyers. However, this approach may not always align with the actual market conditions, leading to potential challenges in finding common ground during negotiations. This however changes in many cases if a property is listed with a multinational and reputable Real Estate firm as they conduct their own.

Negotiation Style

Greek sellers are known for their skillful negotiation techniques, which often involve prolonged discussions and a willingness to engage in dialogue until the last day of the negotiation process or up until the notarial agreement. 

In many occasions they may initially set higher asking prices to leave room for negotiation, expecting potential buyers to make counteroffers. This negotiation style reflects the Greek culture’s emphasis on building relationships and finding mutually beneficial solutions through open communication. On the other hand the foreign investor follows and takes advise from their Real Estate agent and a 5-10% discount is what usually occur.

Staging A Home

A picture is a thousand words! Unfortunately, as mentioned previously Sellers in Greece take pride of their home, it’s history, therefore a home is also a memorabilia for them. However, in order for a potential buyer to be able to see his vision and the potential of such home we need to re-create new memories.

Staging and decluttering play a crucial role in showcasing the true potential of a property. When making a photo-shooting or a video it takes a lot of effort to be able to pass on through a picture frame the potential of the beauty of a home. Moreover, understanding the significance of decluttering is essential, as excessive clutter can detract from the property’s appeal and make it challenging for buyers to envision the space as their own.  many occasions, sellers refuse to declutter or even remove items that do not do justice to the space etc.

Von Poll Greece can advise sellers for staging homes to highlight their key features and create a welcoming atmosphere. They can also provide insight into cultural preferences and design aesthetics that resonate with potential buyers, helping sellers present their properties in a way that appeals to a diverse international audience.


In conclusion, understanding the attitudes, habits, styles, and perceptions of Greek sellers in the real estate market can provide valuable insights for both local and foreign buyers. By recognizing the emotional attachments, informal styles, potential mistakes, and negotiation tactics of Greek sellers, prospective buyers can navigate the Greek real estate landscape more effectively, fostering positive and successful transactions while appreciating the unique charm and character of Greek properties. valuation. 

When evaluating a property in Greece, especially as a foreign buyer, seeking professional advice and expertise can be invaluable. Von Poll Greece, has a reputable and strong presence in the Greek market, can provide essential guidance and support throughout the property evaluation and acquisition process.

Von Poll Greece’s experienced agents can offer valuable insights into the local real estate market, property values, legal requirements, and cultural nuances, facilitating a smooth and informed property search experience for buyers. By leveraging the agency’s expertise, buyers can gain a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics and potential challenges associated with acquiring property in Greece, enabling them to make well-informed decisions.

The agency’s dedicated team of experienced agents strives to understand the unique preferences, requirements, and budgetary considerations of each buyer. By taking a personalized approach, Von Poll Greece aims to identify properties that align with the buyer’s specific needs and lifestyle, ultimately facilitating the acquisition of a home that offers the best value and meets the buyer’s expectations.

In pursuit of delivering the best value, Von Poll Greece leverages its extensive knowledge of the Greek real estate market to guide buyers in making informed decisions. The agency provides comprehensive information on property values, market trends, and investment potential, empowering buyers to assess the financial aspects of their prospective acquisitions and make sound investment choices.

Furthermore, Von Poll Greece is dedicated to ensuring that the acquisition process is efficient, transparent, and aligned with the buyer’s best interests. The agency offers expert guidance on legal and regulatory requirements, facilitates thorough due diligence, and assists buyers in navigating the complexities of property transactions in Greece. By prioritising transparency and professionalism, Von Poll Greece aims to instil confidence in buyers and streamline the acquisition process.

In addition to its commitment to providing value and a seamless process, Von Poll Greece recognizes the importance of fostering a positive and enriching experience for buyers. The agency’s attentive and client-focused approach aims to build trust, address concerns, and exceed the expectations of buyers throughout their property search and acquisition journey.

By placing the buyer’s needs at the center of its operations, Von Poll Greece stands as a trusted partner for individuals seeking to purchase property in Greece. Through its unwavering dedication to delivering value, ensuring a smooth process, and prioritizing buyer satisfaction, the agency embodies a commitment to excellence in the Greek real estate market.


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